A downloadable game for Windows

First-time entry for a Game Jam, 'My First Game Jam'!

In this endless game, you play as an unnamed man who happens to don a laser-spewing hat while having to move along the ever-so-moving terrain to avoid getting crushed and to take down the enemies from above. How or why he ended up in this situation, we'll never know...


  • 20 Stages of quality-varying level design. After you finish the 20th stage, the game loops, but the stages move faster. If it goes fast enough, the terrain starts splitting, not because of a bug, but because the speed is making it tear itself apart*!
  • 6 enemy types; 3 of them take it to the sky, and 3 of them would rather much live on land.
  • 5 items to help you along the way.
  • A Jetpack! Sustain flight for a brief period of time, but don't use it too much.

*Most definitely a bug that I couldn't find a way to fix (but in hindsight, is actually simple: don't set scrolling-wrapping objects' positions to 0).


  • Left/Right: Move left/right. One thing to keep in mind is that he does not move along with the stage if he remains idle, so keep moving!
  • Down: Pass through thin platforms.
  • Z: Jump.
  • X: Shoot. You can only shoot 2 at a time (unless you get a certain item), and you can hold X to keep shooting. You can also mash it to fire faster.
  • C: Toggle the jetpack.
  • Escape: (Un)pauses the game.
  • F1: Fullscreen.
  • Alt+F4: Closes the game.
  • Alt+F5: Resets the game.


  • While this is active, your hero will not be able to fall down! Keep that in mind; you can still activate it while on land and still be able to jump.
  • The top bar represents how much...fuel? Power? Whatever it is, it's the duration of your jetpack, lasting a whole 2 seconds.
  • When your jetpack becomes inactive and the duration is within range of the blue bar below, you'll lose duration.
  • When your jetpack becomes inactive and the duration is low enough, you'll notice a white bar appear. That is the cooldown; you can't use your jetpack while in that range, and it even slows down the duration restore rate. It'll keep increasing with every use until you let the duration hit to full.

As for what the enemies and items are, you'll just have to find out as you play! Just remember: Eliminate all the flying dudes.

Tools Used

  • Game Maker: Exactly what you think I used it for (but the free version).
  • Krita: Used to create the Player and Enemy sprites.

Special Thanks

  • Shaun Spalding: For his Game Maker platforming tutorials.
  • PK Beta: Helping me out with several issues I've had while I was making the game.
  • swammi: For introducing me to the Game Jam.
  • cloudhime, lysander, and stacey: For having made/hosted said Game Jam.

Update Note as of May 28th, 2020: Had this hidden for a looong while (over three (four?) years); call it beginner's shame, but looking back at this, even if it is...okay (but not as bad as I gave myself credit for), it's still that first step to actually trying to make games, let alone going to a game jam. So why not, it's listed, again!

Also wanted to tone down the entire description page; it just felt bleh to me (especially the countless amount of !s), so now it should be more bearable to read. (Still kept the part about inexplicable-size-reducing books because shush)


Igo-Dom.zip 1.9 MB

Install instructions

Extract the .zip file, using a program like WinZIP or WinRAR, and bam, the game is free from the clutches of the inexplicable-size-reducing books that it was hiding in.

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